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Welcome to the official shared task website for Mu-SHROOM, a SemEval-2025 shared task!

Mu-SHROOM stands for “Multilingual Shared-task on Hallucinations and Related Observable Overgeneration Mistakes”. Mu-SHROOM will invite participants to detect hallucination spans in the outputs of instruction-tuned LLMs in a multilingual context. This shared task builds upon our previous iteration, SHROOM, with a few key changes:

This website is under construction. More information will be available soon.

Participant info

Want to be kept in the loop? Join our Google group mailing list or the shared task Slack!


Below are links to access the data already released, as well as provisional expected release dates for future splits. Do note that release dates are subject to change.

Dataset split Access
Sample set download (v1)
Validation set To be published (ETA Sept 2nd)
Unlabeled train set To be published (ETA Sept 2nd)
Unlabeled test set To be published (ETA Jan 10th)
Labeled test set To be published (ETA Feb 1st)

Important dates

This information is subject to change.

Organizers of the shared task

Looking for something else?

The website for the previous iteration of the shared task is available here.

The logo is available here (download); we encourage participants to use it where relevant (esp. in your posters)!