
This section describes how to set up the OpusDistillery pipeline locally, as well as on three of our supported clusters.


System Requirements

  • Ubuntu 18.04 (it can work on other Linux distributions, but might require setup scripts fixes; see more details in marian installation instructions).

  • One or several Nvidia GPUs with CUDA drivers installed and at least 8 GB of memory.

  • CUDNN installed

  • At least 16 CPU cores ( some steps of the pipeline utilize multiple cores pretty well, so the more the better).

  • 64 GB RAM (128 GB+ might be required for bigger datasets)

  • 200+ GB of disk space ( mostly for datasets and transformations ). It depends on chosen datasets and can be significantly higher.


  1. Clone the repo:

git clone
cd OpusDistillery
  1. Choose a Snakemake profile from profiles/ or create a new one

  2. Adjust paths in the Makefile if needed and set PROFILE variable to the name of your profile

  3. Adjust Snakemake and workflow settings in the profiles/<profile>/config.yaml, see Snakemake CLI reference for details

  4. Configure experiment and datasets in configs/ (or configs/config.test.yml for test run)

  5. Change source code if needed for the experiment

  6. (Cluster mode) Adjust cluster settings in the cluster profile. For slurm-moz: profiles/slurm-moz/config.cluster.yml You can also modify profiles/slurm-moz/ or create a new Snakemake profile.

  7. (Cluster mode) It might require further tuning of requested resources in Snakemake file:

    • Use threads for a rule to adjust parallelism

    • Use resources: mem_mb=<memory> to adjust total memory requirements per task (default is set in profile/slurm-moz/config.yaml)

  8. Install Mamba - fast Conda package manager

make conda
  1. Install Snakemake

make snakemake
  1. Update git submodules

make git-modules
  1. Install requirements:

source ../mambaforge/etc/profile.d/ ; conda activate ; conda activate snakemake
pip install -r requirements.txt 

You are all set!

On a Cluster

System Requirements

  • Slurm cluster with CPU and Nvidia GPU nodes

  • CUDA 11.2 ( it was also tested on 11.5)

  • CUDNN library installed

  • Singularity module if running with containerization (recommended)

  • If running without containerization, there is no procedure to configure the environment automatically. All the required modules (for example parallel) should be preinstalled and loaded in ~/.bashrc

Installation on Puhti and Mahti

  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Download the Ftt.sif container to the repository root (ask Ona)

  3. Create a virtual Python environment for Snakemake (e.g. in the parent dir of the repository):

    1. The environment needs to be created with a non-containerized python, as otherwise Apptainer integration will not work. On puhti and mahti, the python executables in /usr/bin/ should work: /usr/bin/python3.9 -m venv snakemake_env.

    2. Activate the virtual environment: source ./snakemake_env/bin/activate.

    3. Install snakemake: pip install snakemake.

  4. Install micromamba (e.g. in the parent dir of the repository): curl -Ls | tar -xvj bin/micromamba

  5. Return to the repository directory and update Git submodules: make git-modules

  6. Create a data directory (e.g. in the parent dir of the repository) and create a tmp dir in it.

  7. If the data directory is not located in the parent directory of the repository, edit profiles/slurm-puhti/config.yaml or profiles/slurm-mahti/config.yaml and change the bindings in the singularity-args section to point to your data directory, and also enter the data directory path as the root value of the config section.

  8. Edit profiles/slurm-puhti/config.cluster.yaml to change the CSC account to one you have access to.

  9. Load cuda modules: module load gcc/9.4.0 cuda cudnn

  10. Run pipeline: make run-hpc PROFILE="slurm-puhti" or make run PROFILE="slurm-mahti". More information in Basic Usage.

Installation on Lumi

  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Download the Ftt.sif container to the repository root (ask Ona)

  3. Create a virtual Python environment for Snakemake (e.g. in the parent dir of the repository):

    1. The environment needs to be created with a non-containerized python, as otherwise Apptainer integration will not work. On lumi, use the cray-python module (it is not containerized): module load cray-python; python -m venv snakemake_env.

    2. Activate the virtual environment: source ./snakemake_env/bin/activate.

    3. Install snakemake: pip install snakemake.

  4. Install micromamba (e.g. in the parent dir of the repository): curl -Ls | tar -xvj bin/micromamba

  5. Return to the repository directory and update Git submodules: make git-modules

  6. Create a data directory (e.g. in the parent dir of the repository) and create a tmp dir in it.

  7. If the data directory is not located in the parent directory of the repository, edit profiles/slurm-lumi/config.yaml and change the bindings in the singularity-args section to point to your data directory, and also enter the data directory path as the root value of the config section.

  8. Edit profiles/slurm-puhti/config.cluster.yaml to change the CSC account to one you have access to.

  9. Load rocm module: module load rocm.

  10. Copy the marian executables to 3rd_party/lumi-marian/build (compiling lumi-marian is currently hacky, so this workaround makes things easier) from /scratch/project_462000447/lumi-marian

  11. Enter export SINGULARITYENV_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH to make sure Marian can find all the libraries when it runs containerized.

  12. Run pipeline: make run-hpc PROFILE="slurm-lumi". More information in Basic Usage.