Command line tools for analysis

Apart from the main scripts (opusfilter and opusfilter-cmd) and configuration generation (opusfilter-autogen), the package also provides command line tools for testing and analyzing the configurations and filters.


Draws a diagram (a directed acyclic graph) from OpusFilter configuration file using the graphviz library.

opusfilter-diagram [--rankdir {TB,LR}] FILE FILE

The --rankdir option changes the direction of the graph from left-to-right (default) to top-to-bottom. If the output file ends with .dot, the raw dot format is used; otherwise the graph is rendered to the format indicated by the extension (e.g. PDF or PNG).


This is a simple script based on the remove_duplicates function, that instead of filtering the data, prints out statistics of the duplicate entries. You can either provide a single corpus (as one monolingual file or multiple parallel files) for calculating the number of duplicates in it, or two corpora for calculating the overlap between them. The syntax for the opusfilter-duplicates is:

opusfilter-duplicates [--overlap FILE [FILE ...]] [--hash HASH] [--letters-only] [--lowercase] FILE [FILE ...]

The options are essentially the same as for remove_duplicates.


This is a tool that can be used to calculate and plot statistics from scores produced by the score function. The tool has several subcommands that all take the JSON Lines score file as the input, and either print or plot the output:

  • list: Print score column names

  • describe: Print basic score statistics

  • corr: Plot score correlation matrix

  • hist: Plot score histograms

  • scatter-matrix: Plot scatter matrix for scores

  • values: Plot score values by line number


This is a simple script based on the filter function that can be used to calculate the amount of segments that the given filter(s) would remove from the parallel data, and optionally output the to-be-removed segments.

The syntax for the opusfilter-test is:

opusfilter-test [--yaml FILE] [--add CLASS JSON] [--removed FILE] FILE [FILE ...]

The filters to test can be defined either from a YAML file (--yaml) using a similar definition as the filters parameter for the filter function, or adding the one by one with the --add option, which takes the filter class as the first argument and filter parameters in as a JSON object as the second argument. For default filter parameters, an empty dictionary ('{}') should be provided.

The scripts first calculates the total number of segments in the input files, and then runs the filters on them one by one. The number and proportion of removed segments is printed. In addition, it is possible to write the removed segments to a file in JSON Lines format (--removed), and collect the scores from the filters to similarly to the score function (--scores).