Alignment model filters


Filter segments by word aligment scores using eflomal [Östling and Tiedemann, 2016].


  • src_threshold: score threshold for source language (default 0)

  • tgt_threshold: score threshold for target language (default 0)

  • src_tokenizer: tokenizer for source language (optional; default null)

  • tgt_tokenizer: tokenizer for target language (optional; default null)

  • model: eflomal model type (optional; default 3)

  • priors: priors for the aligment (optional; default null)

  • score_for_empty: score values for empty input pairs (default -100)

A segment pair is accepted if scores for both directions are lower than the corresponding thresholds.

The supported tokenizers are listed in Tokenizer. For example, to enable Moses tokenizer, provide a tuple containing moses and an appropriate two-letter language code, e.g. [moses, en] for English.

The eflomal model types are 1 for IBM1, 2 for IBM1 + HMM, and 3 for IBM1 + HMM + fertility. See for details.

See train_aligment for training priors. Compatible tokenizer and model parameters should be used.


eflomal is a stochastic method and two runs will not produce exactly the same result. Thus, if you include it in your pipeline, full replicability of the end result is not possible.

Moreover, eflomal estimates the model parameters using the input data, even if you provide the priors file. In consequence, the size of the input matters, and aligning the same data in chunks will not provide the same results as aligning all at once. Thus the following may give worse results than expected:

  • Using score if input size is larger than chunksize (default 100000)

  • Using filter with filterfalse on if input size is larger than chunksize (default 100000)

  • Using parallel processing (n_jobs > 1) for score or filter regardless of the other options