
Tokenize parallel texts.


  • tokenizer: tokenizer type or a list of types for each input

  • languages: a list of language codes for each input

  • options: tokenizer options dictionary, or a list of tokenizer dictionaries for multiple tokenziers (optional)

Supported tokenizers:

  • moses:

    • Uses the opus-fast-mosestokenizer package (a fork of fast-mosestokenizer).

    • Available for most languages.

    • Options are passed to the mosestokenizer.MosesTokenizer class; see its documentation for the available options.

  • jieba:

    • Uses the jieba package.

    • Only avaliable for Chinese (zh, zh_CN).

    • In order to keep track of original space characters, they are by default converted to “␣” before tokenization. The character can be changed with the map_space_to option, or the feature disabled by giving null or an empty string as the value.

    • Other options are passed to jieba.cut function; see its documentation for the avaliable options.

    • If you use jieba, please install OpusFilter with extras [jieba] or [all].

  • mecab:

    • Uses the MeCab package.

    • Only avaliable for Japanese (jp).

    • In order to keep track of original space characters, they are by default converted to “␣” before tokenization. The character can be changed with the map_space_to option, or the feature disabled by giving null or an empty string as the value.

    • By default, unidic-lite dictionary is installed and used. Other dictionaries can be used by providing appropriate option string in the mecab_args option.

    • If you use mecab, please install OpusFilter with extras [mecab] or [all].

The list of language codes should match to the languages of the input files given in the preprocess step. If more than on tokenizer is provided, the length of the list should match the number of the languages. If more than one tokenizer options are provided, the length should again match the number of the languages.