Training language and alignment models


Train a character-based varigram language model with VariKN [Siivola et al., 2007]. Can be used for CrossEntropyFilter and CrossEntropyDifferenceFilter.


  • data: input file name for training data

  • model: output file name for the model

  • parameters: training options for VariKN and tokenization

    • optdata: filename for optimization data (optional; default empty string "" = use leave-one-out estimation instead)

    • norder: limit model order (optional; default 0 = no limit)

    • dscale: model size scale factor (optional; smaller value gives a larger model; default 0.001)

    • dscale2: model size scaling during pruning step (optional; default 0 = no pruning)

    • arpa: output ARPA instead of binary LM (optional; default true)

    • use_3nzer: use 3 discounts per order instead of one (optional; default false)

    • absolute: use absolute discounting instead of Kneser-Ney smoothing (optional; default false)

    • cutoffs: use the specified cutoffs (optional; default "0 0 1"). The last value is used for all higher order n-grams.

    • segmentation: subword segmentation options (optional; default {})

    • mb: word-internal boundary marking (optional; default "")

    • wb: word boundary tag (optional; default "<w>")

Apart from the scale, cutoff, and order parameters the size of the model depends on the size of the training data. Typically you want to at least change the dscale value to get a model of a reasonable size. If unsure, start with high values, look at the number of the n-grams in the output file, and divide by 10 if it looks too small. The dscale2 option is useful mostly if you want to optimize the balance between the model size and accuracy at the cost of longer training time; a suitable rule of thumb is double the value of dscale.

The segmentation parameter is a dictionary that should contain at least the key type, which defines the subword segmentation type. The default is character segmentation (type: char). Other options are no segmentation (type: none), and BPE (type: bpe) or Morfessor (type: morfessor) segmentations. For the latter two, a file for a trained segmentation model needs to be defined using the key model. Additional parameters in the dictionary are passed as options for the specified model; see BPESegmentation and MorfessorSegmentation for those. The BPE and Morfessor models can be trained using the train_bpe and train_morfessor commands.

The default boundary settings (a separate word boundary tag) are suitable for character-based models. For other subword models, you may consider using the word-internal boundary marking (mb) instead. Either prefix or postfix string can be used: Prefix strings start with ^ and postfix strings end with $. For example, mb: "^#" means that a token starting with # is not preceeded by a word break (e.g. sub #word segment #tation). The postfix marking used by subword-nmt (e.g. sub@@ word segment@@ ation) can be set by mb: "@@$".

See VariKN documentation for details.


Train word alignment priors for eflomal [Östling and Tiedemann, 2016]. Can be used in WordAlignFilter.


  • src_data: input file for the source language

  • tgt_data: input file for the target language

  • parameters: training options for the aligment and tokenization

    • src_tokenizer: tokenizer for source language (optional; default null)

    • tgt_tokenizer: tokenizer for target language (optional; default null)

    • model: eflomal model type (optional; default 3)

  • output: output file name for the priors

  • scores: file to write alignment scores from the training data (optional; default null)

See WordAlignFilter for details of the training parameters.


Train unsupervised model to search for nearest neighbors of segments using sentence embeddings. Can be used in SentenceEmbeddingFilter.


  • inputs: a list of input files

  • languages: a list of language codes corresponding to the input files

  • n_neighbors: the default number neightbors to return from query (optional; default 4)

  • algorithm: algorithm used to compute the nearest neighbors (optional; default brute)

  • metric: distance or similarity metric used by the object (optional; default cosine)

  • output: output file name for the model

This is a wrapper for scikit-learn’s NearestNeighbors class; see more information in it’s documentation. Note that the cosine similarity is required for proper use in SentenceEmbeddingFilter, and only the brute force algorithm works with cosine similarities. The saved model can be very large, so use large input corpora with caution.


Train subword segmentation model with BPE [Sennrich et al., 2016].


  • input: input file name for training data

  • model: output file name for the model

  • symbols: create this many new symbols (each representing a character n-gram) (optional; default 10000)

  • min_frequency: stop if no symbol pair has frequency equal or above the threshold (optional; default 2)

  • num_workers: number of processors to process texts; if -1, set multiprocessing.cpu_count() (optional; default 1)

See subword-nmt documentation for details. The trained model can be used by the BPESegmentation preprocessor.


Train subword segmentation model with Morfessor 2.0 [Virpioja et al., 2013].


  • input: input file name for training data

  • model: output file name for the model

  • corpusweight: corpus weight parameter (optional; default 1.0)

  • min_frequency: frequency threshold for words to include in training (optional; default 1)

  • dampening: frequency dampening for training data: none = tokens, log = logarithmic dampening, or ones = types (optional; default "log")

  • seed: seed for random number generator used in training (optional; default null)

  • use_skips: use random skips for frequently seen compounds to speed up training (optional; default true)

  • forcesplit_list: force segmentations on the characters in the given list (optional; default null)

  • nosplit_re: if the regular expression matches the two surrounding characters, do not allow splitting (optional; default null)

See Morfessor 2.0 documentation for details. The trained model can be used by the MorfessorSegmentation preprocessor.