Custom filters

You can also import your own filters by defining the module key in the filter configuration entries.

The custom filters should inherit the abstract base class FilterABC from the opusfilter package. They should implement two abstract methods, score and accept, and one abstract property, score_direction. Additionally, for filters with adjustable thresholds, defining accept_threshold and reject_threshold properties is recommended.

The score method is a generator that takes an iterator over tuples of parallel sentences, and yields a score object for each pair. The score may either be a single number, or if multiple score values need to be yielded, a dictionary that has the numbers as values.

The accept method takes a single output yielded by the score method, and returns whether the sentence pair should be accepted based on the score.

The score_direction should be one of the following constants defined in the opusfilter module depending on the output of the score() method:

  • CLEAN_LOW: scores below a threshold parameter indicate clean data

  • CLEAN_HIGH: scores above a threshold parameter indicate clean data

  • CLEAN_BETWEEN: scores between minimum and maximum thresholds indicate clean data

  • CLEAN_TRUE: score value True indicates clean data

  • CLEAN_FALSE: score value False indicates clean data

If the filter requires any parameters (e.g. score thresholds for the accept method), the class should implement also the __init__ method. Arbitrary keyword arguments should be accepted (with **kwargs), and the __init__ method of the base class (FilterABC) should be called with the remaining keyword arguments. The keyword argument name is reserved for giving names to the filters and workdir for a location for non-temprary files.

For compability with the included automatic configuration generation tools, also the following should be considered:

  • If there is a threshold value used by accept, the argument should be named as threshold (a single global threshold) or thresholds (multiple thresholds, e.g. one per language). The accept_threshold and reject_threshold properties should have threshold values that force all inputs to be accepted or rejected, respectively. That is, a sensible threshold value will always be between accept_threshold and reject_threshold.

  • If there are lower and upper thresholds used by accept (i.e. score_direction is CLEAN_BETWEEN), the respective arguments should be named as min_threshold and max_threshold or min_length and max_length. The accept_threshold and reject_threshold properties should have tuples of two threshold values (for lower and upper thresholds) that force all inputs to be accepted or rejected, respectively.

Based on the score and accept methods, the abstract class FilterABC implements the following three generators that take iterator over segment pairs as input:

  • decisions yields results of the accept method

  • filter yields only accepted segments

  • filterfalse yields only rejected segments

These should not be redefined except for a good reason.

The example below shows code for simple filter that calculates the proportion of uppercase letters in the sentences, and accepts the pair only if all sentences have less than 50% (or given threshold) of uppercase characters:

import opusfilter

class UppercaseFilter(opusfilter.FilterABC):

	score_direction = opusfilter.CLEAN_LOW
	accept_threshold = 1 + 10**-6
	reject_threshold = 0

    def __init__(self, threshold=0.5, **kwargs):
        self.threshold = threshold

    def uppercase_ratio(self, sentence):
        length = len(sentence)
        if length > 0:
            return sum(1 for char in sent if char.isupper()) / length
        return 0

    def score(self, pairs):
        for pair in pairs:
            yield [self.uppercase_ratio(sentence) for sentence in pair]

    def accept(self, score):
        return all(ratio < self.threshold for ratio in score)

Assuming that the above code is in a module named customfilter in the Python evironment (e.g. save the code as and add the directory that contains it to PYTHONPATH environment variable), it can be selected in the filter configurations as follows:



  - type: filter



        - UppercaseFilter:
            threshold: 0.5
          module: customfilter

If a filter requires external resources files (e.g. for model parameters), or stores non-temporary files itself, they should be located in the path defined the attribute workdir. The implementation of the filter should join workdir with relative file paths using os.path.join().