Training and using classifiers


Train an sklearn classifier to produce a cleanness score for sentence pairs.


  • training_scores: a file containing filter scores for training in JSON lines format produced with score function.

  • criterion: criterion to be used in classifier optimization (valid options are CE, ROC_AUC, SSE, AIC and BIC)

  • dev_scores: a file containing filter scores for training in JSON lines format produced with score function with and added item label added to each entry. label has value 1 for clean pairs and 0 for noisy pairs (optional; dev_scores is only used when the criterion is ROC_AUC)

  • model_type: classifier model type selected from sklearn classifiers (default LogisticRegression)

  • model_parameters: parameters for the sklearn classifier

  • model: output model file

  • features: the features given to the classifier to be trained on, defined as a list of filter names

    • ExampleFilter:

      • clean-direction: the direction that indicates higher cleanness (valid options are high and low)

      • quantiles: a dictionary the items of which (min, max and initial) specify the minimum, maximum and inital quantile value that are used in classifier optimization to select negative and positive training examples (default {'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'initial': 0.1})

The classifier is optimized by training multiple classifier model with the training data divided differently into positive and negative examples based on the quantile boundaries specified in each feature. The model that achieves the highest criterion score is then saved in the output file.


Use a classifier model trained with train_classifier to assign a cleanness score or label to sentence pairs that have been scored with score.


  • model: classifier model trained with train_classifier

  • scores: scores of the sentence pairs to be classifed in JSON lines format produced with the score function

  • output_probabilities: file to write the cleanness scores to, 1 is cleanest and 0 is noisiest (optional)

  • output_labels: file to write the cleanness labels to, 1 is a clean and 0 is a noisy pair (optional)

The probabilities and labels are written to the output files line by line, corresponding to the scores on each line in scores.