Script and language identification filters


Filter segments based on what proportion of the characters are alphabetic characters.


  • threshold: minimum proportion of alphabets in a segment (default 0.75)

  • exclude_whitespace: whether to exclude whitespace characters from the ratio (default false)

Returned scores are proportions of alphabetic characters in the segments (after removing whitespace if exclude_whitespace is true). In filtering, all values have to be equal to or greater than the minimum threshold.

In order to allow have different thresholds per language, the threshold parameter can also be given as a list.


Filter segments based on what proportion of their alphabetic characters are in a given script. For a list of valid scripts, see e.g.


  • scripts: scripts for input segments

  • thresholds: minimum proportion of characters in a script (default 1)

Returned scores are proportions of valid characters in the segments. In filtering, all values have to be equal to or greater than the minimum thresholds.


Filter segments based on their language identification confidence scores.


  • languages: expected languages (ISO639 language codes) for the segments

  • id_method: language indentification method (langid for using the langid library, cld2 for using the cld2 library, or fasttext for using a fasttext model; the default is langid)

  • thresholds: minimum identification confidence score for the segments (a single float or a list of floats per language)

  • fasttext_model_path: path for a fasttext model (required only for the fasttext method; default null)

  • langid_languages: limit detection to a list of possible languages (valid only for the langid method; default null)

  • cld2_options: a dictionary of options for the cld2 method (valid only for the cld2 method; default null)

Returned scores are the language identification confidence scores from a given identification method for the segments. The scores range from 0 to 1. In filtering, all values have to be greater than the minimum thresholds. Negative threshold can be used to skip filtering for a language.

See and pycld2 for the method-specific options. A pretrained fasttext model can be downloaded from